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The Depth and Richness of Lectio Divina

The Depth and Richness of Lectio Divina

  Make knowledge of the Scripture your love ... Live with them, meditate on them, make them the sole object of your knowledge and inquiries. ~St. Jerome The first time I visited the Croatian Embassy on DC's famous Embassy Row, I couldn't help but take notice of...

Why America Craves Jack Pearson

Why America Craves Jack Pearson

Despite not having a good paternal role model himself, NBC's Jack Pearson overcomes the obstacles of his past to win every heart in his role as husband and father extraordinaire on the new drama series This Is Us. Jack is loving and kind, quiet and hardworking. He...

How Far Does the Pro-Life Issue Extend?

How Far Does the Pro-Life Issue Extend?

Once again we are living in a time, for better or worse, when we are answerable only to our own conscience. Government and social majority were certainly never intended to be the voice of reason, although the best governing bodies do so through the lens of a clear...

The Modern Divide of Feminism

The Modern Divide of Feminism

As the "Women's March" and the "March for Life" brush shoulders on the Capital by less than a week, the characteristic heterogeneity of the feminist principles and posture separating the two are astonishing. Surely the divide of feminism has ultimately broken down to...

Faith and Reason in Higher Education

Faith and Reason in Higher Education

  Even in death, the memory of someone great lives on. For Fr. Michael Scanlan that memory is lived out through the love and service of the many students he profoundly influenced at Franciscan University. Perhaps you knew him personally or perhaps you know some...

The Saint of Steubenville

The Saint of Steubenville

    Before attending Franciscan University of Steubenville myself, there was a spirit of mystery that carried the name of Fr. Michael Scanlan on its wings - quite the opposite of a rumor. It was a brush with the Holy Spirit and stirred up a saintly call to...

Three Kings Day and the Gifts of The Magi

Three Kings Day and the Gifts of The Magi

THREE KINGS DAYFor weeks before December 24th we begin to feel the spirit of Christmas rise up within us. For some this is a lovely time of festive songs and delicious treats, others retail mania, and still others a time for drawing deeper in prayer and spiritual...

Preserving the Saint Nicholas Spirit and Christmas

Preserving the Saint Nicholas Spirit and Christmas

Every culture seems to have manifested its own celebration of Saint Nicholas' popular feast day on December 6th. From presents to persecution for sins, the evolution of the feast has changed from a day of homage paid a holy man to a secular rabbit hole of pagan and...

Hacksaw Ridge – The Art of War Movie

Hacksaw Ridge – The Art of War Movie

  I knew if I ever once compromised, I was gonna be in trouble, because if you can compromise once, you can compromise again. It seems crude to refer to a war movie as artistic. After all, the waves of mangled bodies falling in agony amidst plumes of smoke and...

The Dignity of the Deplorables

The Dignity of the Deplorables

  Many who watched the uncharacteristic and grossly unpredicted polling numbers come in on election night were shocked by the results - some more than others. By all comparisons Hillary Clinton should have had an easy lead and a definitive win. Her campaign had...

Divine Mercy Care

Divine Mercy Care

 Courtesy Architect Victor Sanz, with DMG - Draft Rendering by Hannah Weber    DIVINE MERCY CARE If you've been a patient of the life-affirming OB/GYN medical practice, deriving its name from the Hill of Tepeyac, where our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to St. Juan...

Teachable Moments

Teachable Moments

  “Poverty has a face: it has the face of a child; it has the face of a family; it has the face of people, young and old; it has the face of widespread unemployment; it has the face of forced migrations, and of empty and destroyed homes.”— Pope Francis, June 2016...