eBook Matrimonial de 7 Semanas
¿Está firmemente enraizado tu matrimonio en Cristo? El amor es como un jardín, que silenciosamente necesita ser nutrido para crecer. ¿Estás permitiendo que tu matrimonio tenga el mismo espacio para crecer? ¿Estás nutriendo tu amor y permitiéndole aumentar en fuerza y felicidad? Es fácil distraerse con obligaciones y entretenimientos mundanos, incluso hasta el punto de caer en el hábito de pasar cada vez menos tiempo con su cónyuge.
Algunas veces las distracciones son buenas, como el tiempo solo en la oración o grupos de estudio con amigos. Pero con demasiada frecuencia permitimos que muchas cosas nos aparten de pasar tiempo de calidad con nuestro cónyuge, y de esta manera descuidando la comunión espiritual que tanto necesitamos. ¡Esta comunión no podría ser más importante, ya que es nuestro camino al cielo!
Este estudio los llevará, a usted y a su cónyuge, en un viaje a través de las virtudes durante un período de 7 semanas; particularmente en cómo se aplican a su vocación de casados. Con el apoyo de las Escrituras y las palabras sabias de los santos, serán guiados a través de un encuentro juntos, a crecer el uno con el otro en virtud, y elevarse a nuevas alturas de santidad. Permítase esta experiencia y herramienta para reconocer las virtudes que ya tan valientemente posee, y ayudarse el uno al otro a establecer un plan para crecer en aquellas áreas en las que está luchando.
How is your marriage? Is it healthy and thriving? Are you spending several nights a week, even if just for half an hour, talking to your spouse on a deeper level? This means shutting off the television or other modes of distraction, and giving one another your undivided attention.
Are you and your spouse able to communicate about the faith and growing together in virtue? Do you have binding and renewing conversation, aside from recounting daily tasks and talking about the children?
It is recommended that married couples should not only have all this, but as well, they should attend a marriage retreat together at least every five years! Unfortunately, for many of us with young children and family obligations, this is not always a possibility. This 7-Week Marriage Workbook – Mis Manos en las Tuyas, Nuestras manos en las Suyas, is meant to help you and your spouse grow together in virtue, and develop the lasting habit of communicating regularly, and on a deeper level with one another.
Each of the 7-Weeks focuses on one of the four Cardinal Virtues and three Theological Virtues, as they apply specifically to marriage. The study includes relevant Scripture study, words of wisdom from the saints and other Theologians, and practical application in everyday married life. The study is meant to encourage both meaningful reflection and helpful dialogue between spouses.
I hope that you and your spouse enjoy this workbook as much as my husband and I, and so many other couples, who have also found it renewing. God bless you on your journey together, and may your holy example renew the face of the earth!
Size: 8 1/2″ x 11″ Digital/Printable Workbook (Spanish version)
––What’s Included—-
This listing is an 8 1/2″ ×11″ inch JPEG file of the eBook (Workbook) above (52 pages).
It is an instant download – no physical item will be shipped.
—-Getting Your Workbook—-
After your purchase, you will receive a link to download the digital file of the 7-Week Marriage Workbook.
—-Printing Your Workbook—-
To print at home, use high quality cardstock or photo paper.
Or you can have your image printed professionally at Staples, Shutterfly, Office Depot, etc.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for further faith materials at [email protected]!
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