Jun 1, 2016 | Articles, Marriage/Family
Let’s face it, nobody knows exactly what they’re signing up for when they become a parent. Surely, if you’re from a family of somewhere around a million kids, then parenting might be a skill you grew up with. Many of us aren’t, and…it...
May 18, 2016 | Articles, Marriage/Family
When I first met my husband and actually visited his bachelor “pad” apartment, it was about as inviting as a dental office. The walls were stark white and completely bare. I mean, there wasn’t so much as a football poster tacked up to...
Apr 20, 2016 | Articles, Marriage/Family
Navigating divorce as a Catholic, and healing the family through the process, all while remaining close to the Sacraments and keeping two feet in Church!
Apr 4, 2016 | Articles, Marriage/Family
At Rest by Pino Daeni The other day, as I was hovering over the cold tiles of the bathroom floor, blowing disorderly strands of hair out of my face, in order to properly clean the pee off the bathroom floor, my two-year-old snuck up behind me. Placing his small...
Feb 23, 2016 | Articles, Marriage/Family
Perhaps you read the Aleteia interview, perhaps you knew her for yourself. Whatever your interest or connection, here is the full story! A Juilliard pianist who knew Shinichi Suzuki (inventor of the famous Suzuki method) personally, married to one of Dietrich von...
Jan 26, 2016 | Articles, Marriage/Family
The oversexualization of our culture is certainly nothing new, and most likely on a steady incline. I am not a woman who keeps up with pop culture, reads women’s magazines (other than BH&G), or watches soaps or talk shows. Yet, it is almost impossible...