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I Saw Unplanned
Bound and determined to see the Unplanned movie before it left theaters, and amidst the hype and criticism, I was finally able to sneak out and see it. Here is my honest breakdown of the movie - as a movie, as truth, and in projecting its greater impact. Images have...
Sacred Art
It was my first time in Rome, and I was overwhelmed by the beautiful marvels of the Italian culture. I wanted to drink in every drop of Italy's timeless charm and rich history - the sites, the churches, the fountains and steps,...
The Dark Night of the Single Soul
My Dark Night I knew this moment would come sooner or later, but had hoped for the latter. As he knelt to propose, I couldn’t listen to a word he was saying – and not because of the sheer joy the moment should have elicited, but rather because I had become consumed...
Advent Wreath and Jesse Tree
Heave a sigh all you weary people of God! Advent is the first moment of the new liturgical year, and it is a time to cast aside the worries of the world and to focus on what really matters - our eternal life! Luke records a very bleak and scary image of the end times,...
Abuse in the Church
Moral Gravity To experience shock and scandal is always the appropriate response to disorder, particularly in the realm of sexual sin, and far greater when that sin is perpetually committed by representatives of Christ himself. As I read through the recent...
Gospel Reflection – Hemorrhaging Woman
Cursed by Blood As a woman living in the 21st century, fertility can certainly be perceived as a blessing and a curse. The week-long menstrual cycle each month is quite often the feminine curse that restricts woman from activities, zaps her energy, heightens her...
Gospel Reflections – Birth of John
How Did She Know? There is something that is very perplexing to me about the birth and naming of John the Baptist. How did Elizabeth know that his name should be John? For, as the scripture tells us, Elizabeth first spoke up when asked what his name should be: And on...
I used to dread the red light that stopped me at the busy intersection right next to a wearily downcast homeless person, holding a crumpled cardboard sign. I would try to read the dark sharpie letters written on the sign, out of the corner of my eye. I dared not to...
Suffering & Miracles
Dear Friends, I am writing to you on the feast of the most beloved St. Joseph! What a wonderful day to celebrate the role of fatherhood and the St. Josephs in our own lives. Here you can read my personal encounter with the foster father of Jesus, and how that...
Charity in Marriage
If you've ever set out to intentionally be more charitable, then you know better than most that your efforts, as well as your internal disposition are often challenged to a fault! There are times when I consider the choice of my married vocation, and wonder if I...
Hope In Marriage
This week, we walked through the virtue of hope! Thank the good Lord for hope, as hope is necessary in each step of life, and certainly in every vocation - in a special and significant way, all its own. Despair and discouragement loom around us, tempting us to believe...
Faith In Marriage
As we enter into the theological virtues - leading with faith, I found the scripture verse from Mark 9:24; "I believe, help my unbelief!" to be so well fitting of my own faith journey. How often does Jesus heal bodily ailments throughout the Gospels? Yet, we...